
– Raj Maharjan, Director, iSolutions

Hija Khusi is a river in Kathmandu. I grew up doing water bombs and catching Himalayan trouts in the river. Over the years, Hija Khusi turned into an ugly, mucky, black open drain because of the rampant urban development. It’s so sad to see the demise of the river, so as to speak, from deaths by thousand cuts.

My children used to play in the lagoon at the Te Henga Bethells Beach. A few years ago, raw sewage made it to the lagoon due to the overflowing septic tanks.

You might have heard about the raw sewage flowing into other beaches across Auckland. Those beaches and rivers are then flagged red on the safeswim website to alert people about the un-swimmable water quality. Auckland is growing fast. If we do not take care, the pressure of urban growth might turn things around quickly to the detriment of our beautiful beaches, pristine rivers and the wider natural environment that we value so much.

That is why I am so passionate about what I do. My role as a town planner is to preserve and protect the indigenous flora and fauna and the mauri of our natural resources such as rivers for today as well as for our future generations while we accommodate urban growth.

At iSolutions, we help to build thriving communities for our whānau and our mokopuna while caring for the environment.


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