
‘I just wanted to add a room at the back of my house. It seems to take forever to get council consent’

‘Since the last two years we have been going back and forth with the council to get approval for subdividing of our property. All we want is to build a new house and subdivide the back section so that we have some rental income for our retirement’

The above are two examples homeowners and small developers continue to have. They don’t have a huge amount of money to spend. They just want to get it done as soon as possible. But they are stuck.

How do you avoid situations like the above?

You will be better off if your consent is planar-led. Among various reasons, here are six reasons why:

1. Planners are the most suitably qualified to advise you what a property is suitable for, what you can do and what you can’t.

2. Any resource and subdivision consent is a planning application. It is a planner inside the council who will (recommend) approve or decline your consent application.

3. Approval of your consent application will have to meet the ‘effect’ threshold of what you want to do. The Assessment of the Environmental Effects (AEE) captures this in your consent application. Planners are the most suitably qualified professionals to prepare an AEE.

4. The ‘effect’ framework is based on the Resource Management Act( RMA) and the district plan (unitary plan in Auckland). Planners are the experts when it comes to the district plan and the RMA.

5. Any consent is a complex process involving many stages. Planners are the qualified professionals to figure out those processes.

6. In addition to providing planning input they will act as your case managers. Your planner will identify and collaborate with all other professionals whose input will be required in your consent application.

Save yourself from delay and hassle. iSolutions are specialists in working with homeowners and small developers. Contact them today for your addition, alteration, development and subdivision consents.

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