
If you are a homeowner in Auckland, read below to find out how the latest change to the Unitary Plan (PC 78) affects you.

The majority of property owners in Auckland are owner occupiers of a single family home. We summarise below 7 key impacts of PC 78 on such homeowners.

1. You are now able to build up to 3 homes of 3 levels in your section as of right. If you are within the walking catchment of a train station, town centre or transport hub, it is possible to build at least 6 levels or higher. Your next door neighbour is able to do so too.

2. Compared to what is possible now, you and your next door neighbour are going to be able to build a significantly higher, bigger and bulkier building as close as 1m from your fence or boundary.

3. If your own or a site on your street is redeveloped, it is highly likely that it won’t be a single free standing home. Instead, the new builds would probably be multi-unit or apartment type developments.

4. Now that homes can be built without providing any parking (yes, and this came into effect before PC 78), there is likely to be more and more overspill parking issues on your local street.

5. If your property is identified as having a qualifying matter, the higher intensity development is not yet applicable. This could remain as it is or it may change later. We will know the result around late next year.

6. Subdividing in case of up to 3 lots is now relatively straight-forward.

7. While some aspects of PC 78 are already locked in, others can still change. If you are affected or concerned in any way, the best thing to do is to make a submission.

To view PC 78 documents, maps and to make a submission, visit council website.

If you want to know more about how PC 78 might affect you or if you want to make a submission, get in touch with us

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